There are many instant translation tools on the web - but they are best used for individual words and short phrases, rather than for brochures, books or anything complex. Anyone who has ever read a translation produced by software or any online tool will have noticed a big difference between the unrivalled quality of a professionally produced translation and the relatively low quality produced by automatic translation. It's not hard to understand why a professional translator can offer results which are greatly superior to any automatic translation tool. Natural language is complex, so in many cases Online translation is impracticable and human creativity becomes indispensable.
Generally, words of any language are polysemantic, meaning they can be translated differently depending on subject area, grammar structure, or context. The dictionary structure allows viewing the variety of word meanings (1). A human being understands the context in which a word or phrase must operate, and is familiar with idioms and colloquialisms specific to the destination culture, thereby avoiding errors which can sometimes be extremely embarrassing.